灵命日粮 2016年3月24日 壓榨橄欖


壓榨橄欖 The Olive Press

中文聆听    English Audio

读经: 馬可福音1432-39

 Reading:  Mark 14:32-39


They went to a place called Gethsemane.- Mark 14:32

全年读经: 約書亞記16-18;路加福音21-24

Bible in a Year: Joshua 16–18; Luke 2:1-24



「客西馬尼」是指「壓榨橄欖油的地方」,這個名字貼切地描述了基督為我們背負罪擔的痛苦掙扎。在那裡,「耶穌極其傷痛,禱告更加懇切,汗珠如大血點滴在地上」(路加福音2244節) 。

上帝的兒子耶穌為了「除去世人罪孽」(約翰福音129節) 、恢復我們與父上帝破碎的關係而受苦、受死。「祂誠然擔當我們的憂患,背負我們的痛苦;……祂為我們的過犯受害,為我們的罪孽壓傷。因祂受的刑罰,我們得平安;因祂受的鞭傷,我們得醫治」(以賽亞書534-5節) 。








If you visit the village of Capernaum beside the Sea of Galilee, you will find an exhibit of ancient olive presses. Formed from basalt rock, the olive press consists of two parts: a base and a grinding wheel. The base is large, round, and has a trough carved out of it. The olives were placed in this trough, and then the wheel, also made from heavy stone, was rolled over the olives to extract the oil.

On the night before His death, Jesus went to the Mount of Olives overlooking the city of Jerusalem. There, in the garden called Gethsemane, He prayed to the Father, knowing what lay ahead of Him.

By His wounds we are healed.

The word Gethsemane means "place of the olive press"—and that perfectly describes those first crushing hours of Christ's suffering on our behalf. There, "in anguish, he prayed . . . and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground" (Luke 22:44).

Jesus the Son suffered and died to take away "the sin of the world" (John 1:29) and restore our broken relationship with God the Father. "Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering . . . . He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities, the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed" (Isa. 53:4-5).

Our hearts cry out in worship and gratitude.


Father, help me understand what Your Son endured for me. Help me appreciate the depths of love that would allow my Lord and Christ to be crushed for my wrongs and my rescue.

Gone my transgressions, and now I am free—all because Jesus was wounded for me. W. G. Ovens

Norwich Chinese Christian Church