灵命日粮 2016年3月9日 請進來


請進來 Please Come In

中文聆听    English Audio

读经: 希伯來書1019-25

 Reading:  Hebrews 10:19-25


Let us draw near to God . . . with the full assurance that faith brings. - Hebrews 10:22

全年读经: 申命記8-10;馬可福音1119-33

Bible in a Year: Deuteronomy 8–10; Mark 11:19-33


在舊約時代,進入會幕與聖殿朝見上帝有嚴格的限制,只有大祭司才能穿過幔子,進到至聖所獻祭,而且一年只有一次(利未記162-20節;希伯來書925-26節) 。但是耶穌斷氣時,聖殿的幔子從上到下裂成兩半(馬可福音1538節) ,表示人與上帝之間的障礙已經永遠被摧毀。







Jenny's house is situated on a little country lane, which is often used in rush hour by drivers who want to avoid the nearby main road and traffic lights. A few weeks ago workmen arrived to repair the badly damaged road surface, bringing with them large barriers and "No Entry" signs. "I was really worried at first," said Jenny, "thinking that I would be unable to get my car out until the road work was finished. But then I went to look at the signs more closely and realized that they said 'No Entry: Access for Residents Only.' No detours or barriers for me. I had the right to go in and out whenever I liked because I lived there. I felt very special!"

In the Old Testament, access to God in the tabernacle and the temple was strictly limited. Only the high priest could go in through the curtain and offer sacrifices in the Most Holy Place, and then only once a year (Lev. 16:2-20; Heb. 9:25-26). But at the very moment Jesus died, the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom, showing that the barrier between man and God was destroyed forever (Mark 15:38).

Because of Christ's sacrifice, all who love and follow Him can come into His presence.

Because of Christ's sacrifice for our sins, all those who love and follow Him can come into His presence at any time. He has given us the right of access.


Lord, thank You for paying such a price to enable me to have unrestricted entry into Your presence!

Access to God's throne is always open.

Norwich Chinese Christian Church