灵命日粮 2016年3月13日 愛惜自己


愛惜自己 Self-Care

中文聆听    English Audio

读经: 出埃及記1814-24

 Reading:  Exodus 18:14-24


Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest. Mark 6:31

全年读经: 申命記20-22;馬可福音1321-37

Bible in a Year: Deuteronomy 20–22; Mark 13: 21-3



對基督徒而言,愛惜自己好像不大合乎聖經教導,但實則不然,因為這對身心健康非常重要(馬太福音2237-39節;以弗所書529-30節) 。的確,基督徒確實要先愛主我們的上帝,並要愛人如己,但也要有足夠的休息,才能使身心靈得到更新。有時,愛惜自己是暫時退到一旁,樂意讓他人一同分擔我們的重擔。

耶穌常悄悄地退到一旁休息和禱告(馬可福音630-32節) 。若我們效法祂的榜樣,就能建立美好的人際關係,也更能顧念別人。






After my husband underwent heart surgery, I spent an anxious night by his hospital bed. Mid-morning, I remembered a scheduled haircut. "I'll have to cancel," I said, raking my fingers distractedly through my straggly hair.

"Mom, just wash your face and go to your appointment," my daughter said.

Sometimes self-care means allowing others to help carry our burdens.

"No, no," I insisted. "It doesn't matter. I need to be here."

"I'll stay," Rosie said. "Self-care, Mom. . . . Self-care. You're of more use to Dad if you take care of yourself."

Moses was wearing himself out serving alone as judge over the Israelites. Jethro cautioned his son-in-law Moses: "You will only wear [yourself] out. The work is too heavy . . . you cannot handle it alone" (Ex. 18:18). He then explained ways that Moses could delegate his work and share his heavy load with others.

Though it may seem paradoxical for the Christian, self-care is essential for a healthy life (Matt. 22:37-39; Eph. 5:29-30). Yes, we must love God first and love others as well, but we also need to get adequate rest to renew our body and spirit. Sometimes self-care means stepping away and graciously allowing others to help us with our burdens.

Jesus often slipped away to rest and pray (Mark 6:30-32). When we follow His example, we will be more effective in our relationships and better able to give care to others.


Dear Lord, refresh my spirit today. Help me to bring balance to my life as I juggle my responsibilities. Thank You for Your love and care.

Don't try to do everything—take time to refresh your body and spirit.

Norwich Chinese Christian Church